Friday, April 29, 2016

Teaching Foreign Languages: tips, tech and ideas: Інтерв'ю координатора проекту GO CAMPS Любові Залю...

Teaching Foreign Languages: tips, tech and ideas: Інтерв'ю координатора проекту GO CAMPS Любові Залю...



As part of the Year of English Language in Ukraine, the NGO GoGlobal has teamed up with the Ministry  of Science and Education of Ukraine, Microsoft and other partners to design a new format of children's school day camps focusing on English. The project is called GoCamps.   

The project organizers want to show kids that learning a language is easy and that summer camp can be fun. One of the special features of GoCamps is that foreign volunteers will be invited. 

More than 3,000 schools across Ukraine have tentatively agreed to organize language camps and some 150 will be given the status of GoCamps based on the results of a competition.  

«Currently, only a limited circle of children have access to modern language camps because of their exclusivity and because many parents can't afford to send their children to language camps abroad. That's why we decided to organize such camps in Ukraine and make them more accessible to everyone. This summer, for the first time a large number of children will be able to experience a true modern  summer vacation. The 'GoCamps' projects will be implemented together with the Ministry of Education of Ukraine and other partners – businesses, NGOs and international partners. The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine has agreed to provide volunteers and teachers with the necessary teaching materials and plans, and to hold a series of special trainings,” say GoGlobal.     

The first step will be the creation by project partner Microsoft of a specialized website that will function as an information center. The site will have all the necessary methodological information, including lesson plans, handouts and other teaching materials, licensed videos and cartoons - all available for download. Foreign volunteers – native speakers, will also work at GoCamps. They will assist teachers with educational and recreational activities, games and sports.  

Application for interested schools:

 GoGlobal joined the initiative of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine in February 2016
 The main technical partner of the project is Microsoft
 The call for applications from schools opened on 17 February 


Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine
U.S. Embassy in Ukraine

Попаснянська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів № 21 

є учасником проекту GoCamps!

Попаснянська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів № 21

Про школу: 
Попаснянська ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів № 21 – сучасний освітній заклад, який надає ви- сококваліфіковані освітні послуги та готує підростаюче покоління до самореалізації у соціумі. У школі працюють досвідчені педагоги, які прищеплюють дітям любов до України, рідного краю, повагу до народних звичаїв та традицій. Навчаючись, учні залучаються до вшанування традицій інших народів. З метою популярізації англійської мови у школі проводиться низка заходів, спрямованих на залучення та адаптацію школярів до сучасного англомовного середовища. Учні школи беруть активну участь у предметних олімпіадах, тижнях, конкурсах, є призерами спортивних змагань та чемпіонатів різного рівня. Школа працює у творчому ритмі, рухаючись вперед до нових досягнень у навчально- виховному процесі та діалогу культур світу.

Popasnyanska Secondary school of Popasnaya Council in Luhansk region

About school:
Popasnyanska Secondary school # 21 is a modern educational establishment which gives high quali-fied teaching services and prepare youth to their selfrealization into the social environment. Experienced teachers work at school who cultivate love of Ukraine and the native land, respect to national cus- toms and traditions in their students. Studying the children are taught to respect other nations’ cultural traditions. To popularize English a lot of different events are held at school aimed at involving and adapting children into the modern English speaking invironment. The school children take an active part in subject olimpiads, weeks, competitions. They are the prize winners of sport competitions and championships of various levels. The school is working in a creative rhythm, moving forward to new achievements in the educational process and the dialogue of world cultures.